03: Sparks

posted in: Beneath Goshinboku | 0

Sesshoumaru hummed in low appreciative tones as he watched his ward twirl before him, showing off the new yukata he had brought her for the coming summer months.  The lavender and white silks had been a gift from his mother, … Continued

02: Melody

posted in: Beneath Goshinboku | 0

Sesshoumaru laid back against the stout trunk of Goshinboku, left arm perched over raised knee, while his right leg splayed out before him between the moss-covered roots.  Half-lidded golden eyes watched as the miko wandered around the clearing,  teaching his … Continued

01: Salt

posted in: Beneath Goshinboku | 0

He stepped into the clearing at the base of the Tree of Ages, already knowing what he would find there.  She sat crumpled amongst the giant weaving roots, face turned towards the ancient trunk, but he didn’t need to see … Continued